Sunday, March 2, 2014

IIUM Journal of Educational Studies is Now Online

Assalaam alaikum.
Good news.
We are pleased to announce that the long awaited IIUM Journal of Educational Studies (IJES) is now online. IJES is a rebranding of the Educational Awakening journal previously published by the Institute of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia. The journal welcomes original articles, both empirical and theoretical, on all aspects of education, particularly those related to the Muslim world. To access the journal, please visit the following website:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lagu tentang Career Development...

Bapanya mahukannya jadi seorang askar,
Bukan cita-citanya,
Bukan impiannya.

Dia terlalu muda tuk tinggalkan keluarga,
Bila tiba masanya,
Pilu mula terasa.

Berkecamuk hati,hatinya sendiri,
Persoalannya kini,sampai bila mampu ku bertahan,
Mampukah ku bertahan?

Nampak ketarakah dilema di wajah ku,
Diluarnya tenang tapi tuhan saja tahu.
Nampak ketarakah dilema di wajah ku,
Diluarnya tenang tapi tuhan saja tahu.
Beginikah selalunya cinta,
Diakhiri sengsara,
Setelah dicurahkan semua.

Cuba ku dalami,
Sampai termimpi mimpi,
Namun apa yang ku jumpa,
Semuanya sama.

Berkecamuk hati,hatinya sendiri,
Persoalannya kini,sampai bila mampu ku bertahan,
Mampukah ku bertahan?

Nampak ketarakah dilema di wajah ku,
Diluarnya tenang tapi tuhan saja tahu.
Nampak ketarakah dilema di wajah ku,
Diluarnya tenang tapi tuhan saja tahu.

Ini semua dugaan Nya

p/s: enjoy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

About Malaysian Economic Report

Fist of all I want to say that this is my 10th post and contribution to this blog.

Ok ,to have a better knowledge about job,career,employment etc,we need to study about economic also.From what I just found about Malaysian Econimic Report 2008,
According from that report,industries/field and its employment workforce in 2007 are:

1)Manufacturing (3.343mil)
2)Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fishing(1.378mil)
3)Government - Civil service (1.085mil)
4)Finance, Insurance, Real Estates and Business Services (0.791mil)
5)Construction (0.766mil)
6)Transport, Storage and Communication (0.662mil)
7)Mining and Quarrying(42.9k)
8)Other Services(3.334mil)

As a school counselor,we also dealing with career development for students.We can show this stats to student to make them have a better view which field that they want to involve in a and which field that demanding most workers.Ok thank you

Soft Skills and Students

I think Malaysia educational system did noy much developing and polishing sof-skill in their students which tt will bring some problems when they need to find a job for example they need to undergo an job interview which soft-skill is very vital.
To counter this issues
Some of the institutions today have started to offer soft skill programs for graduating students but these are mostly done on ad hoc basis to counter the unemployment problem.
For this polishing class, emphasis will be given on the soft skills, mastery of English language, interpersonal ability, leadership and others which are often sought after in a promising employee. On top of that, entrepreneurship values will also be instilled among the graduates to open up the possibility of venturing in their own business.

Choosy Job Seekers

In past 20 years, I can say that many graduated students are not choosy in finding a job.But how different it is today. Nowadays, candidates are expecting job offer to come with a package – a good pay, convenient working location, no shift, no work beyond 6pm and so on, with everything handed in a silver platter. I think they are so pampered students and the rather have no job than got a hard job

Academic Achivement Has Little Do In Job?

From my own experience with senior graduates – not once, but many times – has convinced me that today’s academic achievement has little to do with how well you can excel in the working world. I used to be short listing 4-5 first class graduates for an interview and in the end rejected them all, and hired a second class student instead. It seems that the country is blessed with institutions highly capable to produce low quality, academic achievers. This statement may not bode well with some of the institutions out there but this should be taken as a challenge, not a mockery.

Economy Factor Bring Unemployment

From what i just found.I want to tell you all that economic structure has changed.Nowdays the economic mostly change into service sector with requires people who do not only possess the right technical knowledge, but also those who possess the right soft skills It leads to unemployment to the engineering students which is so many wainting for the job.In addition,unlike the manufacturing sector, a company providing services would not require a large number of staff to be employed.Statisticshow that between 2006 and 2007, the country’s manufacturing employment grew by 3%, from 3.244 million workers, to 3.347 million. The business services sector employment, on the other hand grew by 2.6%, from 0.771 million, to 0.791 million.