Thursday, September 4, 2008


I just want to reflect something about this we learned in the previous class,this theory adresses the fact that men and women tend to differ in their occupational my opinion,it is a loss for the country when we cannot do the job that we're capable with and have good ability on that because of we want to consider the norms in society.when Dr.Siraje give example of the different opportunity between women in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia, we should be grateful because as a woman here,we got this great opportunity to do the job that we want eventhough it's a men's job.nowadays,our country has been developed very well and
we can see that women become good in so much field of job.not like before,women are limited to do anything and now just look at ourself,we are going to be a school counselor in the future,which is one of the professional,for the female student,appreciate what we have! (^_^)
that's all,wassalam..

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