Saturday, September 6, 2008

counseling process=changing process


During our previous class, we have discussed about counseling process and it’s all about the changing process. Dr. Siraje gave us the example where he associated it with the Inertia. As we know, inertia is a condition where the body will remain in its state of rest or motion, unless it is compelled by some external force to act otherwise.It same goes with the counseling process where many people see it as unit that is not really important. People will refer to this unit if there is the discipline problem although they know that the job of counselor is wide and not only to face the student who involved the discipline problem. In addition, there also the students who refuse to change although they already undergo the several times of counseling process. It may be due to the environment factors that not encourage them to change totally and there is nobody that can support them after the counseling process. As a counselor, we must be energetic and creative. It is because, we cannot feel bored or depressed if our clients are still not changing. We must think the other ways or solutions on how to make them realize that they should make the changing process by themselves. This situation may take the time but the good counselors must show their interest to help the clients by enhancing their spirit to find the alternatives in order to get out from their problems. By instillation the hope to them, like what DR Siraje said, we as the counselor are more likely to switch the lamp to the clients.

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