Tuesday, October 14, 2008

identify Your Skills

Marketable Skills

Marketable skills are those that an employer will pay you to perform:
*All of the Foundation Skills,
*The skills listed in "Want to Hire" advertisements.
*Examples of unmarketable skills are, Riding a bike . . . who will pay you to use that skill? Not many. Learning a skill unique to your company that other companies do not use.

Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are ones that you can transfer from one occupation to another. For example if you are Architect..you can transfer your skills to related occupation such as in civil engineering.

Motivated Skills

Motivated skills are those skills that you enjoy using. If at all possible, you want to work at *something you enjoy doing. Think of an achievement, accomplishment, or "good experience" you have had - whether related to work or not. Then, write down or tell someone,
** What you did,
** How you did it, and
** What happened.

You will be describing your motivated skills. These are especially important in think about your career direction . . . doing what you enjoy doing.

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