Monday, October 20, 2008


Dr. Siraje suddenly asked us: “What will you do if you know that tomorrow is the day of Qiamat?”. Many students responded in several answer, until Hasrina said she will do teaching since she loves teaching. Suddenly Dr. Siraje concluded the discussion with the hadith that Rasulullah told a companion to CULTIVATE SEED IN YOUR HAND EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW TORMMOROW IS GOING TO BE END OF THE DAY. The message is clear, to be productive until the last of your breath! This is a true concept of “AWARE OF DEATH AND PREPARE FOR IT” as mentioned by Rasulullah in another hadith.

However, in Malaysia, during the time around 1980’s, there was a popular a nasyid song titled “BILA IZRAIL DATANG MEMANGGIL” (WHEN ANGEL OF IZRAIL IS CALLING). In this song, it contains message that people will shiver when Izrail comes and imagination of how the death is. Nevertheless, government has banned this song by reason that it is related to Al-Arqam group, but what I heard from old people, they said Tun Mahathir actually does not like this song since it influence our workers to become scare of death which finally make their determination to live become lower and not productive. In order to encourage people to be productive, they banned this song.

I do not know should agree with the action or not, but what I think is, when think about my death is coming, supposedly I should do the best for sake of my pride to die with the best achievement is in memory of my life. I might not agree with those who only prepare for the hereafter while talking about death, and totally neglect the worldly matters. The preparation should be balance because we have to bear in mind, while we are working, it is also considered as ibadah since we are struggling to fulfill the needs of our children and other family members too. By fulfilling our responsibilities towards others, it is also an ibadah and this thing is related to the hereafter life in order to get rewards from Allah. Hence, open our mind when think about DEATH. “BE OPTIMIST AND PRODUCTIVE, DON’T BE PESSIMIST AND PASSIVE!”

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