Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Prepare Your Kids Ready to Work

We all want our children to be successful in life. We hope to see them one day in satisfying careers with the promise of growth. The thought of seeing our children in dead-end jobs saddens us. We wonder, though, if there's anything we can do to help ensure that they are successful. There is. Find out what skills your children need to succeed.

Helping children Make Career Decision

The earlier children start thinking about their future careers the more time they'll have to explore the many options that are available. Parents must play important role that is expose them to the real world of work,like take them to the workplace and explain what will you do they so that the child will understand. Beside them teacher at school can teach them and give exposure about the work opportunities in the future.teacher can relate the work with the personality of the children. If the child is a teenager, teacher can give them career test and personality test to ensure they understand where should they go in the future.

1 comment:

aziratul said...

salam mazura.. i agree with u. prepare children ready to work is a good idea because.. for me,they should know the real environment of the work place whether it is good or bad, interesting or not, suitable or not for their personality. so this can creates a way for them in future.