Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ahlan Wasahlan....Nice to Meet You all!!!!

Welcome to this Career Development blog. How are you all right now? I hope that all of you are happy and always in successful. First of all, I want to say very thankful to our respected lecturer, Dr. Siraje because of his full commitment and give all cooperation to teach us about career development. By go through this subject, I think it is very useful and beneficial for us in terms of we can planning our future live efficiently and fluently. I also hope that this career development subject will help me in order to make career decision especially when I had finished my study in degree program. I expect after complete my study, I want to work so that from now I need to collect all information that related to the career choices. I need to grab the opportunity. A lot of information I've got from this class including how to plan our life, how to get good job/career, how to prepared ourselves in getting such career and also undestanding the world of work. For instance, I had learned what types of personality and skills that we should have in terms of getting job which match with our interests, skills, and knowledge. In job search and career development, they are usually advertise what skills are needed to being sucessful in a job. And of course, job skills are an important component of a good job match. So, I hope that at the end of this semester, I will get more information ang guidance about career development and how it can be influence and benefit to our future life. For all my fellow friends, thank you for your full support and encouragement. Wassalam.

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