Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Career class

Salam alaik...
Hello everyone..nice to meet all of you again in this blog.
I wish all of us can share anything we feel throughout this first semester
regarding our course-counseling and guidance.
I just wanna share my expression and feeling after 2 semester and 1 year studying counseling so far.
I feel really thankful to Allah S.W.T. because I am given an opportunity to learn and experienced the world of counseling. All the theories in counseling and whatever lessons I have learned are really meaningful for me and to be specific all of them can be a guider for me to continue and enjoy my life in this world. Counseling teach on how to be a non-judgemental person, always be optimistic towards something around me and appreciate all things in this world.
One day, I have ever think that either I have did the right decision for my future and myself so that I will never feel regret in the future. However, after finished my first semester, what is the thing that I can figure out is I never feel regret join this counseling course and I a m really thankful because I am enjoying studying it and maybe this is the most suitable career for me.
In the next post, InsyaAllah I will post a comment on whatever I have learned in the class and I get from newspaper and internet regarding the Career Development subject.


1 comment:

Cikgu Aisyah said...

w'salam.nice to meet you again!.I'm glad to hear about your feeling that you're already choose a right career in your life.I also feel the same.Hopefully we will become a great counselor in this planet earth,insyaAllah (-_^)