Wednesday, August 6, 2008

salam to everyone..... =)

Hello everybody.....
how are you?may allah bless you and give u good health... =)
welcome to this blog and i hope we can share anything here that will benefit each other,insyaallah...
this is such a very interesting activity as Dr.Siraje said in the previous class,we do not have enough time to discuss every single thing in the class...
so this blog is really beneficial for us in order to make us a knowledge explorer! =)
in the previous class,i want to reflect about the 'trapped' isssue...
i want to relate this thing into school setting like what dr.siraje said,there are so many teacher nowadays who are 'forcing' themselves to be in the wrong track.they are taking other courses,they are not interested in teaching at all,they dream about another profession,but in the end they have no choice because of the job market that make them difficult to get a job after graduated from the university,so this situation make them choose the teaching profession as the last choice and then they decide to take KPLI in order for them to be a teacher.they are seem like taking a high risk to do something that they do not love at all and this is very bad because it can give bad effect to the teacher and as well the students such as stress and depression for the teacher and the students will not have interest in learning and maybe they have some difficulties in the process of learning..
from my past experiences in secondary school,my counselor was not really emphasized on the importance of career development on the students.the students are not really aware about their tendency on which field they should be and its really confusing.i believe that counselor should make effort in order to give SDS test to the students since they were in form1 so they will know better about their tendency on which career because this test is really beneficial to inform us whether we are in the field of social,realistic,artistic,conventional,enterpreneur and so on.
i want to leave a question here,what is your opinion about the school in the rural area,dont u think that they have high possibility on difficulties in order to get career information very well because of the facilities of accessing to the internet?they also have good potential student but isn't this thing make them lagging behind?
that's all,wassalam... =)

1 comment:

siti nurbaya said...

salam rafeeza..nice to meet u..erm I'm also have same opinion with u that school in rural area are lacking behind in terms of career information.In my opinion to solve this problem,good counselor are needed.Means that this good counselor can deliver information about career information to the students.For me, nowadays to find good counselor with good knowledge about counseling especially about career information is very difficult.To solve the problem,in rural area the counselor must has good input about career information and know how to deliver to them because we have always bear in mind that the mentality of the students in rural area is difference compared with the mentality of urban area students.