Wednesday, August 6, 2008

assalamualaikum to everyone..

Nice to meet you all again(-_^)...hem,for career development subject for sure that you all must have many opinion,experiences and questions regarding this subject.In this blog, we can share anything.I hope that we can share any opinion from you all.As a good counselor, we have to know abour career development.It is very useful to our students and it is also important to us as a counselor to have basic ideas about the career development nowadays.I have one question to you all......Nowadays we can see in job market,if the employer wants to hired employee the major things that they see is skills such as communication skill,leadership skill and many more.They do not really look at the cgpa..eventhough the students have good cgpa the employer looks more at skills rather than achievement in study.My dear friends,I want to tell you that nowadays employer do not look much on experience,but what they need is their employee must have soft skills .I read it in newspaper recently...They encourage fresh graduate to apply the job.So, we cannot blame the employer because not hired the fresh graduate. In my opinion who have to be blame for many fresh graduate are jobless is GOVERNMENT.Why I said like that?It is because they are really emphasize on exam oriented and not really stress on practical.


Cikgu Aisyah said...

Salam my dear friend...I also agree with fresh graduate want to work after graduate from higher education for the first time if the employer only want experienced employee to work with them?.That's why the number of jobless increase drastically in this country.

Nor Hasrina binti Mohamad @ Sulaiman said...

salam.....actually, the employers either in the goverment or private sectors search for employees who have great soft skills, leadership skills and critical thinking. As what Dr. Siraje said, leadership have no meaning if we only know it, without do it. Employers do not care on what or how many leadership courses that we attend, but the more important is how many leadership activities that we involved. I agree with him, because the knowledge that we have is no meaning if we not apply it..So, this campus life is the best time for us to prepare all the skills that should we have.thank you..wassalam.