Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Post

This is my first time send a post to this blog..
If there any mistake please correct me..
During our prevoius class,our lecturer had mention about
"Do what you love and you will not have to work for the rest of your life"
In my opinon,if we love or like job that we do,we will not think about it as a work or something like forcement.We will enjoy doing it like we doing something during our leisure time.It will be more fun and will not stressfull.If we done something that we love,we will enjoy doing it everyday and doesn't mind to do it the rest of our life.We doesn't think it like a burden for us.So start from now,we should love our work or our career in the future.
What your opinion about it??

1 comment:

putri said...

yes i agree with you qurai..we should choose the job that fulfill our interest. but sometime we have to do the thing or job that we don't like. because sometimes we are not the lucky one who get the job that we really love.